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Barcelona, 11-01-2012
The five finalist teams that aspire to curate the participation of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands in the Venice Architecture Biennale have been selected

The jury for the competition to choose the curator of the participation of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands in the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale met on Monday and chose the five finalist projects. The teams that have submitted these five projects will now have until 27 January to develop them more fully for the second stage of the competition, Ideas. The name of the winning curator chosen by the jury will be announced on 1 February.

Each of the five teams taking part in the Ideas stage will receive 2000 euros. They are: 

  • Stefano Cortellaro, Ton Salvadó and Inés de Rivera, PaiÇATges project

  • Albert Ferré and Olga Subirós, Canvi de pell project

  • UPC Habitar research group, Final de mes project

  • Joan Falgueras and Lucila Mallart, Emergent/Submergit project

  • Jordi Badia and Félix Arranz, Architectural rowers/vogadors project

At the first stage of the competition a total of 42 projects were submitted. The Institut Ramon Llull (IRL) is delighted with the large number of participants and the fact that among the candidates there were architects and studios of recognised prestige. Throughout the process the IRL has worked with the College of Architects of Catalonia and the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands.
The jury
The jury that chose the finalists and will appoint the curator consists of a chairman and eight members:
Chairman: Jordi Garcés, architect. Winner of the 1991 FAD Prize for the Vall d'Hebron Olympic Pavilion, Ciutat de Barcelona 1996 Prize for the Àgora Jordi Rubió at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and director of the refurbishments and extensions of the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.

* Lluís-Xavier Comerón, dean of the College of Architects of Catalonia

* Joan Morey, dean of the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands

* Fernando Marzá, architect, member of the College of Architects of Catalonia

* Miquel Vadell, architect and director of the competitions office of the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands

* Marta Vall-Llossera, architect and director of the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands School

* Marta Malé, architect and acting director of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

* Daniel Giralt-Miracle, art critic and historian

* Àlex Susanna, assistant director of the Institut Ramon Llull
After the appointment of the curator the winning proposal will be sent to the organisers of the Venice Biennale for final approval. From then the production of the exhibition will begin, with a maximum budget of 225,000 euros. The Biennale will be held from 29 August to 25 November.
The Architecture Biennale
The Venice Architecture Biennale has been held independently since 1980, as the importance of architecture in the Art Biennale had been increasing substantially since the mid 70s. Today the Architecture Biennale alternates with the Art Biennale and they share a structure and exhibition spaces.
The curator for 2012 will be the leading architect David Chipperfield.



"Qui avança creant quelcom nou, ho fa com un vogador, avançant endavant, però remant d'esquena, mirant enrere cap al passat, cap a allò existent , per poder reinventar les seves claus".


Padrocinadors Diari Ara Roca LAMP Editorial Gustavo Gili Cooperativa d'Arquitectes Jordi Capell
Logos Biennal d’Arquitectura de Venècia Generalitat de Catalunya Govern de les Illes Balears
Institut Ramon Llull